Thursday 7th January 2021
L.O. Make predictions about the weather.
Our humanities learning this half term will be geography, and we are going to learning about the weather.
First, we would like you to see how many types of weather you can think of. You could write this down as an mind map; write the word weather in the middle and then all the types of weather around it. Think about weather from each season of the year!
If you go for a walk today, have a look what the weather is like. Or have a look outside. What does it look like? Do you think the weather will change? How? Is your prediction a sensible one? Discuss this with your adult.
We would like you to start a weather diary so we can observe how the weather changes over time.
Here is an example of how you could record your thoughts and ideas. We would like you to complete this every day. Next week we will look at how the weather has changed over the week.