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SpringheadInfant and Nursery School

"In our garden, as we grow, tall and proud, new skills aglow"

0161 770 5620



L.O. Find out about local churches in the area.


In Religious Education we are continuing our learning about Christianity.

Do you know of or have you been to any churches near your house?

What did you do there? What is it like?

Maybe you could ask your adult to walk by the church near your house so you can have a look when you go out for some exercise.


Or you could use google earth to search for churches in our community. Here are some you could look for;

St John the Baptist Hey, Lees

Springhead Congregational Church, Radcliffe street,

Elim fountain of hope, Greenacres Road, Oldham.


Do all the churches look this same from the outside? Have they got stained glass windows?

Draw a picture of the church you have found or seen. Label it and colour it.