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SpringheadInfant and Nursery School

"In our garden, as we grow, tall and proud, new skills aglow"

0161 770 5620


Friday 8th January 2021.

L.O: Answer questions relating to a text.


Continuing with the bear hunt story. Can you answer the following questions in full sentences.

1. Which problem did the family come across first? 

2. Which two adjectives describe the forest?

3.Why can't the family go over the river? What would they need? 

4. How do you think the bear felt when the family shut the door on him? Why do you think he felt like this?

5. Can you think of a different ending for the story? Write it in a few sentences.


Below is the video of the bear hunt incase you need to recap the story.


We're Going on a Bear Hunt performed by Michael Rosen