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SpringheadInfant and Nursery School

"In our garden, as we grow, tall and proud, new skills aglow"

0161 770 5620

School Council Roles

The Chairperson


I am the Chairperson in charge of the School Council and have been selected by the other councillors. I help decide on the agenda – a list of items for discussion. I run the meetings making sure everyone has a chance to have their say. I make sure that decisions are agreed fairly and that a majority of councillors support the decisions. I try to make sure that we discuss everything that is on the agenda and that meetings keep to time. I need to be aware of things we are unable to decide on without first consulting others or carrying out further research.

Deputy Chairperson

I am the Deputy Chairperson. I am an elected councillor from one of the classes and I help the Chairperson decide on the agenda for the meetings. I stand in for the Chairperson or secretary if either of them is absent from the School Council meetings.


We are the School Council secretaries chosen by the Council to carry out the paper work and administration. We help the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson in deciding the agenda for the meetings. At the meeting we write the minutes – a record of the most important points raised, any decisions made and how these decisions were reached. We make sure that each councillor has a copy of the minutes so that they can report back to their classes. We are responsible for the School Council file and keep it safe and up to date - the minutes from each meeting are kept in it.

The Councillors

I am a councillor who was elected by my class to represent them on the School Council. I suggest items for the school council to discuss based on what my class raises in circle time or class councils. I also feedback our discussions and any decisions made by the School Council to my class. I sometimes take on particular tasks for the school council if we are working on a special project.