Planet Protectors
This year we have the new name of Planet Protectors! We continue to work hard to improve our school environment. Mrs Clarke will help us to think of new ideas and projects, we share our ideas with the rest of the children in the school and aim to keep our school a Green Flag Award school. We also like to help the local community for example by organising a collection for Oldham Foodbank.
Meet our Planet Protectors of 2024-25 - Coming Soon!!

Our Achievements
We are thrilled to announce that our school has again been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag Award. This is given for all our hard work in 9 eco areas which include waste, litter, transport, water, energy, bio diversity, school grounds, marine and global perspectives. The councillors continued to have fun taking part in the RSPB Wild challenge and achieved the silver award this year. To gain this award they took part in a wide variety of challenges aimed at helping nature and experiencing nature. We made apple bird feeders, went on a plant safari, made homes for bugs and used art skills to look closer at natural objects. The Council were amazed by the support for the autumn food collection jointly organised by our School Council. We collected over 25 bags of food for Oldham Foodbank! As always the councillors also took part in the annual Switch Off Fortnight and Waste Week campaigns to promote saving energy and recycling.
Our Priorities for 2024-25
This year we want build on the healthy habits that we promoted last year but also .......
- We plan on looking at our outdoor areas to find ways of further encouraging wildlife. We are also hoping to redevelop the allotments to enable us to grow some of our own food.
- We plan to continue our journey with the RSPB Wild Challenge, hopefully achieving the gold award.
- We plan to look further at the issue of waste, especially the amount of fruit snack and milk that is thrown away each day. Colin the Carrot will be spending the week in the class that manages to consume the most snack during the week. Remember, if you eat the snack at playtime it is one of your 5 a day!
- We plan to have an Eco Enrichment Day with the whole school taking part in activities relating to the Eco Schools topics and learning about how we can look after our planet.
Switch Off Fortnight
The Planet Protectors are encouraging everyone to take part in this nationwide campaign over the next couple of weeks. They will be spying on empty classrooms and rooms at home to see if any appliances that have been left on can be switched off to save energy. We will also be looking at ways to use less energy at school and in the home. Millie S from Nightingales has made these amazing posters at home with her family to support the campaign.