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SpringheadInfant and Nursery School

"In our garden, as we grow, tall and proud, new skills aglow"

0161 770 5620


Organisation of the English Curriculum


Our English curriculum is delivered and taught in context of the wider curriculum . All year groups have a long term plan for the year. The long term plan identifies the following : 


  • Wider curriculum topic
  • Reading genres to be taught
  • Writing genres to be taught
  • Word reading and comprehension objectives
  • Spelling objectives 


Here is an example of a long term plan for Year 2: 



Alongside the long term plan, we have termly units of learning, these are our medium term plans. There are   a total of 6 medium term plans for each year group. 


In addition to the information on the long term plan, the medium term plans contain more detail which includes handwriting, genre features and suggested outcomes. 


Here is an  example of a medium term plans for Year 1: