Tuesday Afternoon
Our last Tuesday afternoon at home!
This afternoon your activity is to make habitat structures, the document below will give you some more information on how to make it.
For your reading activity I would like you to have a go at reading the short story below, in this story there are lots of 'ee' digraphs, see if you can spot them, you might want to write down all the 'ee' words on your whiteboard. This afternoon can you have a go at being a digraph spotter and see if you can spot any of the digraphs we have learnt in phonics around your house. You might find some in your favourite reading books, maybe on some food packaging or even on street signs near your house!
If you do spot any of these tricky sounds please upload them onto tapestry so I can see :)
There is also a list of ideas for you to do during Tuesday afternoons which don't involve using technology or screens! Enjoy :)